Ruth Chafin Interior Design

The Inland Empire's "voice of Experience" since 1979

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Help to clients

A client writes: 

Hello Ruth,

Client recliner
Client Rocking chair

I see all these wonderful pictures of interiors by designers and they all have some kind of trick or knack for draping throws.  I am including some pics of a few I have around the house. As you can see I am missing whatever finesse or secret to make them look casually tossed but beautifully placed.
 So… is there a secret.  Can you share it with me?
 Just something to learn while we are all just sitting around.
 Thanks,   Theresa



Ruth Chafin replies:

Hi Theresa, 
This is very exciting to help you in Oregon via you sending me your questions and photos.
Yes,  there are a few tips that will help you. I pick up the throw in the middle as shown in the photo as all the ends fall to the bottom.
Then tuck the throw behind the furniture and bring the middle point over the arm and anchor.  This is a casual look. It also provides the unfolding of your throw as you need to use it for warmth.
This treatment does not look as dominated or bulky as you sit on the furniture.
We need less clutter at this time of history and comply with our governor’s direction to STAY AT HOME
Thank you for your questions and please send your after photos.
As I consulted WITH my Oregon Client I suggested they do this in sync as it is necessary to swivel their hips to the music and gradually work up to the tango of FURNITURE THROW INSTRUCTIONS, TEMPO ALLEGRO. We do need to laugh.

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