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11 Bedroom Trends for 2014

Grey and White BedroomFrom “Fresh Home”,  I found this wonderful article about bedroom trends for this year. The article discusses

    1. Floral Wall Art
    2. Uses of Gray, Soft Blacks and off-Whites
    3. The Hotel Influence
    4. Traditional Bedrooms
    5. Use of Radiant Orchid
    6. A Dash of Danish
    7. Moroccan Accents
    8. Natural Materials
    9. The Rustic Look
    10. Tartan
    11. Beautiful Blues

Here is the “lead in” to the article:

“The bedroom; one of the most sacred rooms of the house and one of the rooms where we spend the most time (even if it’s to merely sleep). It can also be one of the few room where you can design and decorate it to meet your particular tastes, and not have to worry what Tom, Dick and Harry thinks, as they’ll never see it. For couples, there needs to be a balance, a juggling act, sacrificing personal extremes and coming to an agreement on a design that works for both.

We at Freshome know the psychological effect and mental state a room can put one into; the colors, feel and energy which it emits. It just so happens the bedroom is the first environment we are subjected to when our eyes open and it’s also the last image which we have when falling asleep. A few of us here are interested in psychology and we believe a healthy way to start the day is to wake up in a bedroom environment which stimulates positive mental energy, which is the perfect springboard to Carpe Diem the day with true passion and gusto.

Here we present 11 different bedroom trends which will be popular in 2014; but as I said, trend or not, the bedroom is a personal sanctuary which needs to be designed in a way which inspires you; for you.”

To read the rest of the article, and see some great pictures of each trend, click on the article’s title below:
11 Fresh Bedroom Trends in 2014 You Must See | Fresh Home