Ruth Chafin Interior Design

The Inland Empire's "voice of Experience" since 1979

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RCID Open for Business

Ruth Chafin Interior Design is OPEN for business!

To my Valued Customers, Friends and Community Associates,  we won’t leave you stranded!

Non-essential Businesses 

Many of you have reached out to me since Governor Newsome announced the executive order for Californian’s to stay home and close all non-essential businesses. The State of California Public Health Officer and Director of the California Department of Public Health has deemed the housing construction industry an essential service that is allowed to continue operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Construction Designated “Essential Service.” 

RCID resources room

I want to assure everyone that I am not only doing my part to maintain a safe and healthy working environment, I am also responding accordingly to every statewide or local order which mandates closures or operational restrictions on businesses. Where such orders have been issued, housing construction has been specifically carved out as an ongoing “Essential Service.” As a key member of the Housing supply chain, I will continue to do my very best to serve the industry with the products and services I supply while maintaining the highest standards of health and safety for my subcontractors and customers. 

Work Together 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we all navigate through this together. I can’t emphasize this enough, we won’t leave you stranded!
I keep a supply of homemade masks at my shop, and have a video to share. 
Let’s work together as we get through this situation. I have a gift for you, a gift certificate for a VIRTUAL design consultation house call. Just call to make the appointment.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Share your needs with me.


Open for business
Your Gift Certificate

More information:
On March 19, 2020, California’s governor issued a Statewide order (CA Order) for non-essential workers and the general public to stay home. The construction industry, and housing construction specifically, are deemed an essential function of California’s society and therefore exempt from the Order.
Contractors are still working during this unprecedented time and so are construction regulatory offices.